วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Broken Glass...

Well...not much for today. I just wanna tell you guys that my heart has been broken again...and I'm afraid there's nothing that I can do for now...

The Glass has already been broken into thousand pieces. Once broken, it'll never be the same thing again. And so my heart...which has already been torn apart by your winter breeze...The wound from frostbite may not be as painful as other wounds, but it can tear both your body and mind apart without any signs of warning...

All I have to say is: I'm so sorry, for what I've done to you...But I've done so many things for you for the sake of your happiness and contentment. Have you ever realize this point!? All you've done to me is ask me to stay away from you and mind my own manner! What a foolish reaction you've ever done to me so far...

I'm so sorry, my dear...For everything that I'd expected from you; I expected it the way too much...that's the reason why I'm hurt so much. I'm sorry for everything...

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Boring Days...(Really?)

Of course, it's boring! And the reason is; I'm way too lazy to do anything during the weekends except few things like hanging out with friends and play video games...Only these two things can keep me away from the state of weekend boredom...

So what shall I talk about today? To tell you the truth, there's still nothing for today. But for yesterday...I have a thing or two to share with you all...

Well...I have to tell you that yesterday was a really sunny day..it was way too hot! but still not enough for the one who'd passed the Military Course like me. My friend called me that he wanted to pick me up for a trip to Thasala. But we had a problem; one of our friends got up late and didn't even take a shower yet...oh shit! So we had to wait for him for a little while...let's prey that it was only a little while..but it was ACTUALLY nearly one hour while! What a sloppy guy he was! (I didn't say this part to him because I'm also a big bad sloppy guy as well. :P) Once he'd finished his business and everything was set. Then it was time for the trip!

There wasn't much for the trip, though. But a trip with a group of close friends always make the whole thing fun...it actually was. Our trip consisted mainly of seafood supper and visiting a fortune teller...Heh, what a strange combination, right? The supper was pretty tasty, especially those fish-related cuisines; they were fresh, finely fried and finely made dipping sauce and combined with my taste for seafood cuisines...Oh yeah! I must say I could fly to the moon everytime I eat this! Other menus were also delicious, but Baked Sloughed Crab with Vermicelli was disappointing! I always hope that it must be delicious...and what about this menu gave me in return? Too dull! Like noodle without any soup filled with it! even my friends said so!

And that was all for a supper, I think I don't want to disclose how much I'd spent for that meal but you guys can ask me in person...if you like. Now for the next thing, seeking the fortune teller. Well, this one is a bit weird, though. The reason is I rarely seek for advices from fortune tellers, and I must say that was my first time...She lives in the house of priests area somewhere near Walailak University. My fortune is a bit weird...sort of; can't seem to find any lucks but can put everything away with my own talents. My love life is comfortable, but she told me that I may be afraid of her...then let's see if it'll be true or not...And my finance is also filled with petals of flowers and plenty of reasons to spend...Funny, but it's true. My friends also received such satisfying fortune telling as well...I think.

And that's all for now, apart of this phase, it's about the trip to go back home...nothing special.


วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Humble Aerie is Back Online!

The title describes everything; my blog is finally established, again...

However, I still have nothing to talk about...stay tune.

I'll be back as soon as there's something interesting to talk about..